

Americium is a radioactive element, which does not occur naturally on earth. Therefore it needs to be produced artificially. It was named after the Americas, because it was discovered in America and in the periodic table it is positioned right below europium.

There is no picture of the corresponding element, yet. Urano and Pluton, the rulers of the underworld, are trying to make new monsters through nuclear fusion. They need new monsters to build a clone army in order to take over the world. Unfortunately these experiments fail regularely.


Americium under the microscope:

Americium microscope



I love how it's based on a griffin! I'm so glad that people are discovering this obscure series because it's pretty underrated imo

another story

neptun, looking upon the astatine situation: AAALlright, pluter n uraner, whatve you buckarinos done this time?
pluto, upset at their arrival, as they look unpleasant to be around as well as just rude in general: *sigh* helishooting. you?
neptun: well yknow, just chilling with nick again! he just hugged me REEL-
urano: not another ocean pun. get him pluto.
*pluto quickly grabs neptun, stealing their trident and placing him in the helishooting chamber*
neptun, slowly tranforming into amer (americium), with their last garbled voice: LONG... LIVE...*screeches, as they are no longer capable of speech that sounds legible*
pluto: restraints. now.
*the restraining collar snaps around amer's neck, the sharp points on the inside convert them to mutism and subservience*
urano: excellent.

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